Monday, December 28, 2009

1st Trip to the Beach

At the beginning of Novemeber Olivia and I went to Sarasota, FL with my mom, grandma and sister-in-law Vanessa. My grandma has a time share condo down there and she so graciously let us come along. Olivia was such a wonderful traveler and it was a great trip. She was great on the plane ride down even though she did pee through her clothes due to me letting her drink 16oz of milk on the 30 minute plane ride from Evansville to Cinci. So Miss O spent most of the trip from Cinci to Tampa in just her diaper. She really enjoyed sitting on grandma's lap and looking out the window. She was a perfect little girl the whole week we were down there. She loved the sand and the pool. This week was when she started strictly walking. No more crawling for this girl. She also learned to say "boo" for peek-a-boo and "book". She also can tell you where her ears, eyes, nose, and toes are. Olivia found herself a British boyfriend while we were down there. His name was Charlie and they were about the same age. They would share snacks on the beach in the afternoon. It was really cute. The weather wasn't the best due to a freak Nov. hurricane but we still had a great time.

Liv trying to redress herself before landing in Tampa

Olivia and Grandma looking out the window

Charlie and Olivia compare "costumes" as Charlie's mom called them.

1 comment:

Nicole said...

Oh my gosh! Too cute!! I love that shot of her on the sand like, "what is this stuff?!".