Sunday, February 22, 2009


I have been putting Olivia in her exersaucer about twice a day now. She is really liking to touch the toys and there is even one that she plays with! It has 3 different colored wheels and she can spin them with her little hands to make them make noise! It was so exciting the first time I heard her do it! She is a little small for the thing but I just put a blanket behind her! Her toys are starting to touch the bottom if she leans to one side.....
My toes aren't any where near the ground Mommy!
I'm a big girl playing with the toys!


Melissa said...

Her little legs look so cute hanging from the exersaucer! We haven't tried Jenna in it yet, she's still a little wobbly in the head department.

Carla said...

The last picture is CUTE! We bought Ciara the same one for Christmas. She seems to like it pretty well.