Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Titzer Chili Cook


This was the night of the annual Titzer Chili Cook. It was the 26th year and it was now back at the Titzer Farm in the new shop. Their new shop is super nice. Really big and they rented round tables so everyone could visit easier! We ate yummy food and played dominoes and it was really fun. Olivia was a party girl and stayed up until 12:30am! Uncle Matthew was the one who finally got her to sleep. She was really good most of the night though except 2 times. One when my Uncle Mike told her that when she was ready for college he would take her up to Bloomington. Well that didn't make her happy, she stuck out her lower lip and was ready to wail! Of course she's already a little Boilermaker!!!!! The other time was when my mom was changing her clothes and Kathy told her she had a fat belly. Boy that didn't make her happy :) I'm glad she's finally chubbin' up!

Olivia in her adorable pig shirt made my Carla Schenk

Where's Olivia??

There she is! Silly Uncle Matthew!!


Carla said...

Of course I love her shirt!! I haven't told you yet that I have a train that I turned the colors into Boiler colors!! I have a picture on my home computer if you want to see it (I won't do it on a onesie though). I'm also getting into making hair bows...I wish I could do enough of this stuff to quit my job and stay home w/ Ciara!
When I need another hat next year we'll have to trade work instead of paying ea. other!

Nicole said...

Oh my gosh...look how much bigger that piggy shirt looked on her last month! She's growing too fast.